RapidLogr: 🚀 A Log Exploration Adventure

Embark on a journey of log management with RapidLogr, a dynamic application crafted as part of Dyte Inc.'s hiring project.

Uncover insights, troubleshoot issues, and navigate logs effortlessly with these stellar features..!


  • Log Search: 🔍 - Swiftly search through logs with RapidLogr's robust search functionality. - Explore various search parameters to find information in the blink of an eye.
  • Severity Filtering: ⚠️ - Filter logs by severity to focus on critical issues or specific levels of importance. - Fine-tune your log analysis with precision.
  • Date Range Filtering: 📅 - Dive into log analysis with date range filtering. - Investigate issues that occurred during specific time intervals.
  • Mobile Magic: 📱 - RapidLogr is designed to shine on all devices, ensuring a seamless experience on mobile phones and tablets.
  • User-Friendly Interface: 🎨 - Navigate logs effortlessly with RapidLogr's clean and intuitive interface. - Experience user-friendly design for efficient log exploration.
  • Light and Dark Modes: 🌞🌚: 🎨 - Customize your log exploration with the choice of light or dark mode. - Tailor your environment to suit your visual preferences.
  • Next.js and Tailwind CSS Magic: ⚡- RapidLogr leverages Next.js for a powerful and efficient frontend. - Tailwind CSS brings flexibility and style, resulting in a sleek and modern design.


  • Clone the Repository and Open your terminal.
  • Install project dependencies using
    pnpm install
    yarn install
    npm install
    choose any of your package manager.
  • Go to mongodb website and create your account or use the existing one. Create a new database called
    And create a collection inside called
  • After succeful creation of db and collection, copy the MONGODB_URI / connection string.


  • Go to root folder and find
    file. Add the copied connection string to
  • Populate the db with logs with specific format given.
  • Start the dev server using
    pnpm run dev
    npm run dev

🔥💥💥💥💥 😎 Start exploring logs by search and using filters.💫 At this point application is ready visit http://localhost:3000/

Database Interaction

  • To populate the database, use the endpoint:
    . Send a POST request to this endpoint to add logs to the database.
  • To retrieve logs, send a GET request to the same endpoint:
    . You'll receive the logs as a response.
  • The application utilizes the latest Next.js server actions for these operations.

Server-Side Filtering and Searching

💥 RapidLogr employs server-side filtering and searching for efficient log exploration. The application utilizes MongoDB aggregation to process search parameters and perform advanced queries on the server.

😎 This approach enhances performance by fetching and processing data on the server side, delivering faster response times and optimizing resource utilization.

😁 Additionally, server-side processing adds extra benefits in terms of scalability and reduces the load on the client, providing a seamless log exploration experience.

🎉💻 RapidLogr has been an exciting challenge, offering an awesome experience in log exploration. With a user-friendly interface, server-side magic, and responsive design, it's a log management adventure like no other. 🚀 Thanks to Dyte Hiring Team,for giving the challenge..!